Monday, January 21, 2013

Usability Test Analysis

Test Task

Once we have done the market study and analyzed and defined how we can offer to our market segment the best service, we have designed a paper prototype of the mobile application. This step will help us to figure out how customers will interact with the application and how easy and practical it is for them to use it.
The prototype test was done in Spanish as the market targeted were Spanish consumers and it followed a process:
  • Identify potential users.
  • Instructions presentation. The test was introduced as a game in order to make it more dynamic and give the participant a trust environment.
  • Small explanation of what is Q-Cocino about.
  • List of ingredients they have: Pasta, cheese, tomato sauce, green beans, and olive oil. 
  • They had between 0-40 minutes to cook
  • They were advised to choose the first recipe on the list
  • They were told they were already registered to the app
  • To introduce the ingredients, it is only necessary to add the pasta, to not waste time the rest of the ingredients in the prototype where be introduced automatically.
  • They were required to comment what they see
  • Suggestions, comments and user satisfaction


User #1: 28 year old businessman
User #2: Student of 21 years old
User #3: Student of 25 years old

Qualitative Analysis

This analysis started from the beginning, as it was very important to see how the users interact with the prototype, answer the questions they had and be able to see how they react with the app.

  • User #1
Observations: He felt awkward because it was his first time using an app with a paper prototype, but we tried to make it more comfortable by asking a little question about his daily mobile usability. The participant was very active when describing all what he saw in each step. He took out the advertisement and we could conclude that it was a good decision the idea to give the customer the option to make advertisement disappear. He didn't have any trouble using the prototype and he liked it a lot. From his personality it was reflected on the usage that he took his time and stopped and thought out each step, which was productive because he took the usability test seriously.

  • User #2

Observations: He didn't know where to start, but it was because he felt a little bit weird with the camera and people looking at his movements. We used the same method to calm him down and then he started. He didn't have any trouble with the usability as he understood everything and he could do his recipe in one shot. He did not ask any questions and he showed that he did not hesitate with the options and he went directly to what he wanted. He did not comment all what he saw, but he read all written in each screen. We tried to motivate him, but it didn't work as he was busy and with no time, but this showed that a person under time pressure as some of our potential users can intuitively use the app with no problem.

  • User #3

Observations: This user did the premium model. The test was completed successfully, however there was a little trouble with the introduction of the ingredients as they appear in English instead of Spanish. This inconvenience was changed immediately because it was a technical mistake of the prototype.  We had the same problem as we had with the User #2, he read everything but he did not comment as we were expecting. We observed that he did not stop to see the number of diners and it could be caused by the colors, the typography or users lack of attention.


We can say that the application prototype was design effectively and efficiently as all participants completed the task successfully, they got their recipe, they felt good and with positive feeling of the app at the end of the exercise. None of the users got lost using it and they said that the sequence was followed with common sense and it was simple to use. They suggested more colors and different typographic to make it more attractive.
Also, we conclude that the idea of advertisement and discounts was good as they were asking questions and they were enthusiastic to hear more about discounts and new recipe' ideas. They did not put attention to the fact that they could share their recipes and photos, so it confirmed our main idea to give them a solution for busy people who did not have time to think about anything else.
User #2 and #3 did not put attention to the number of people that the recipe was design to. It was a way to promote the premium version, as it can be changed and personalized for premium users. We concluded that we need to design and define a better strategy to make people realize and discovered the advantages of the premium version. Like for example include it in more places such as after the 'how much time do you have' step include one in the free version saying the premium would let them choose nutritional needs and number of diners and other advantages. Or on the recipe include the tag of video and once clicked tell the user it is only for premium users.


Usability test videos

Following are the usability test videos:

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Startup Dashboard Fulfilled

In earlier posts we have created start up dashboards (2 versions; first version and an extension)
Through our research up until now we have found out the following:
(Click on images to see them larger)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Paper Prototype Video

We have created a short video to show our paper prototype. We are currently editing more videos so stay tuned to see the usability tests with our potential users!

By: Eva and Silvia

Monday, December 3, 2012

Interview 11 Analysis

Semi-Structured Interview
Interviewee: 40 year old mother living in Barcelona, Spain. Is a stay at home mother of one and also is a home-stay mother for an American student currently.
Interview duration: 20 mins

For this Interview I explained Q-cocino and all of the features it would have to offer. I explained both what the freemium model would be and the advertisements that would come along. I then explained to her the Premium version and explained the difference between them. After that I asked for what she though and what she would pay if she would pay for the application.

As a home stay mother she thinks that the concept of the product is great. Having to prepare 3 meals a day for the program makes it very hard to make a variety of meals and planning for the week is also very difficult. She said she however doesn't know if the product would work for because she says it sounded complicated. She said she would pay up to 2 or 3 euros a month if the product was simple to use, but though with so many features it would be to complicated and she would not end up using it. She also was very interested in the shopping list aspect because it would make planning for the week much easier. As I though she was losing interest in the product she explain that she had been on a strict diet due to health problems. I explained that she could specify this in the database in order to get meals fit for her circumstance. She said that finding meals and products will very low sugar and salt has been difficult and this would be such an aid to her, again, if it was easy and convenient for her. I asked if she had any recommendations of features that would make her decide to try and hopefully use Q-cocino on a daily basis and she said:
1. Make sure it is simple so that older people will be able to navigate the application
2. Include video clips and pictures of what the ingredients and final products look like so people know what they are shopping for.
3. Be able to share with friends your profile and what you have cooked as recommendations of what to eat.

Interview 10 Analysis

Semi-Structured Interview
Interviewee: A 22 year old male. Living with his girlfriend and a student in Barcelona Spain.
Duration of interview: 20 mins

1. Learning about his cooking and eat habits:
He explained that this is his second year living in Barcelona and will study for two more years here. He and his girlfriend(also was present during the interview) explained that with so many expenses as a student and living on their own, they prepared most meals at home and usually was very basic and cheap. They ate out once or twice a week and usually as a special occasion on the weekend. Both having different schedules attending different Universities finding time to cook and shop together was difficult. "We usually go together to the supermarket once a week and spend a lot of money and stock up the fridge for the week ahead". He tries to buy fresh vegetables and fruits and buy his protein fresh also, but it is normally to expensive for him and frozen food last longer and is less expensive. When I asked him what a typical dinner was like a said that normally they had pasta a few times a week or meat and a vegetable. They both explained that they knew the basics of cooking, but would consider themselves novices.

2. Introduction of Q-cocina:
When I told them that our group was developing a application that simplified cooking in so many ways, they both said they loved the idea but were aware of numerous other applications that provided a similar service that they had actually tried and never used again. The did however specify that they never have heard of programming the ingredients into the application and generating a library of possible meals. They both said that was something they really though could help them. Neither of them had any dietary needs but said they could see this being life changing to someone with an allergy or a vegan/vegetarian. They also focused on the shopping list that Q-cocino would offer to the premium members. They gave the idea that you could look through the database of recipes and choose a bunch of them for the week and the application would generate everything you needed to get on the one trip to the supermarket. He also said that neither of them have ever used cookbooks or the internet to get ideas from so this application would be hard for them to use in a routine. Which seemed to be a problem with many of the interviews conducted.

3. Explaining advertisements and costs:
After explaining both models of or application I asked them to put a price on what they would be willing to pay for it. Being students they said that they hardly every pay for any application and never have paid a monthly fee for an applications. They said that the features that would be beneficial to them would be on the premium model, but they would never pay monthly for it. They said for someone with an allergy or with more money they could see them spending 2-3 Euros a month for this service. However, surprisingly they said a .99 or 1.99 Euro one time price would be something they might pay for just for our freemium model, which was a huge surprise because they said they hardly ever pay for applications. I think there where some features that they really liked and would give a chance, but I got the feeling that they would not be frequent users and would probably end up downloading the application and never using again.

Jack Formica

Interview 9 Analysis

Semi-Structured Interview 9
Interviewee: 28 year old male. Living alone in Barcelona, Spain. Works as a voice actor from home. Approximate interview time: 15 minutes

1. Finding out about his cooking and eating habits:
    He explained that his occupation is very on and off and some weeks he will work 20 hours a day and others he will work only a few hours from home or have the day off. This job makes eating and cooking very irregular for him and he could not give a week in routine because " With a different client or job each week, Its very difficult to keep a routine especially cooking and eating". He explained that cooking has always been a passion of his so on his days off or when he isn't in the studio or the office all day and night, he prepares a very nice meal and invites friends over. He indulges when it comes to food shopping and buys ingredients of the highest quality because nutrition is of great value to him. He wishes he could go to the market and buy fresh everyday in order to prepare more impressive lunches and dinners, but with just starting his career, usually stocks up at the supermarket on Monday and will go to buy fresh ingredients from a market on Friday or Saturday. He wishes he could cook everyday like he does on the weekend and explained, " I am always trying to learn to cook new dishes and different types of cuisine".

2. Introducing our product:
    I explained to him that a group of a few students and I were developing a mobile application that would allow for him to learn different recipes and be able to generate a list of recipes with the food available within his kitchen. After explaining to him all the other features our application would offer, he seemed very interested in the product. He said that when he has the time to cook he personally enjoys looking through cookbooks and planning out meals. Time and ingredients are not an issue for him because he bases his day around shopping cooking and entertaining his friends. However, during weeks where he has a project that requires ridiculous hours of work straight, this would be a lifesaver to him. He said "when I am busy I often just take out a pizza or make a sandwich for myself, whatever is quick and easy". He said if he was able to program what was available to him and they could make a meal in a short amount of time, that was healthy and delicious he would absolutely try the product and use it on the weeks where he was swamped with work

3. Discussion of advertising and pricing:
    I explained how we would have a freemium application that would have the basic features, but we would also have a premium account which would cost a fee, but would offer so many more features. He said that he would absolutely download the free version because that would solve the problems that he faced. loving to spend time and cook when able to the premium version would not really be what he was looking for because he enjoys looking through cookbooks and taking the time shopping and preparing. He did say however with the smart phone "boom" he could see his friends who are similar to him using the application and paying up to 2 euros for the service. When I explained advertisements on the free version, he had no problem that as long as it didn't completely interfere with the service the application provided. " Every free application has advertisements, but people still use them, so I don't think the free version having them is a problem at all".

Jack Formica