Monday, October 29, 2012

Preliminary startup dashboard

The research:

In order to get findings for our leap of faith questions we have designed the following mini-survey:

We introduce the product to the surveyee. After evaluating the product we present the freemium model asking where is the break-even point between the free and premium app they would find as reasonable. Then various pricing options are presented oscillating between 0.90€ to 3.99€ which are the market prices for such applications.
We will therefore present various models of advertising:
- Pop up advertising
- Fixed advertising between stages of recipe/pages
- Product placement

The research is ongoing until new version of the dashboard is posted

By: Eva Borisova

1 comment:

  1. The questions you have here are a good start for dealing with the issues of getting content for the app, and whether it can be a profitable business.

    You should work more on the basic need for the app such as: "Do people perceive the need to cook healthier/differently/more often, and if so what prevents them from doing this?"
    "How can Q-cocino help people cook healthier/differently/more often?"
    "Who are the key customer segments who would benefit most from Q-Cocino, and how are they different? Can you reach them? Will they pay for some aspect of the value prop?" (value proposition, marketing channels, customer relationship, revenue model), etc.
