Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Scenario study: Young with lack of cooking creativity

Potential user profile: Young student and professional

Eduard is a potential user of our product. He is 23 years old and partially lives away from home. He likes to eat home made food (no fast food or pre-cooked food). He usually has many ingredients in his fridge and has the time to cook but ends up preparing the same dishes day after day. This problem arises due to the lack of knowledge about cooking (he does know the basics) and therefore there is an invisible kind of barrier between him and a cook book. He is also a person who enjoys using technologies and owns a smartphone but would not stop to search on the internet for specific recipes which use just those ingredients which he has at home. He considers that most of the recipes require him to go to the store and buy things he never used and innovation with new ingredients is not something he would lik to try when he is hungry just before lunch hour because he does not want to risk cooking for an hour to find out he does not like the dish he prepared.

As he states his preferences are as follow:

- Cooking for beginners level
- No dishes which cook for longer than 1 hour
- No strange ingredients, he wants dishes with the usual stuff: chicken, beef, vegetables, pasta, rice, oregano, parsley and so on
- Easy to use system, he does not want to go through too many recipes and he like the explanations to cook simplified to the maximum, and if photos are available he would be even happier
- He would also like the app to be available on the web or directly downloadable for his computer as the screen is bigger and more comfortable while cooking

We can conclude that Q-cocino would be an app which would adjust to Eduard's needs but we are not sure if he would actually use it on a daily basis.

By: Eva Borisova

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