Here is an update on survey results and translation of final questions to English. Some of the primary questions posted on October 29th 2012 have been changed after a secondary analysis.
¿Reside usted en España (Si la respuesta es no, abandone la encuesta)? - Do you live in Spain? (if the answer is no please quit the survey)
Si y tengo menos de 18 años - Yes, and I am under 18 years old
Si y tengo 18-23 años - Yes, and I am 18-23 years old
Si y tengo 24-35 años - Yes, and I am 24-35 years old
Si y tengo 36-50 años - Yes, and I am 36-50 years old
Si y tengo más de 50 años - Yes, and I am over 50 years old
¿Con que frecuencia comes en casa? - How often do you have lunch at home?
Cada día - Everyday
de Lunes a Viernes - Monday to Friday
4-6 veces por semana - 4-6 times a week
1-3 veces por semana - 1-3 times a week
Nunca - never
¿Te gusta cocinar en casa? - Do you like cooking?
Si - yes
No - No
¿Tienes alguna necesidad especifica a la hora de cocinar (puedes escoger más de una respuesta)? - Do you have any specific requirement when cooking? (you can choose more than one answer)
Si, nutricional (Vegetarianos, Baja en Calorias, Celiaca...etc.) - Yes, nutritional (Vegetarian, low carb, celiac…etc.)
Si, puramente según mis gustos - Yes, but purely based on my likes
Si, tiempo de cocción - Yes, time of cooking
No - No
Otro (especifique) - Other, please specify
¿Cuales de estos motivos te llevan a no cocinar? (puedes escoger más de una respuesta) - Which of these stops you from cooking? (you can choose more than one answer)
Falta de tiempo - Lack of time
No se me da bien cocinar - I don't know how to cook well enough
Por pereza - I am lazy
Falta de ingredientes específicos - I lack specific ingredients
Cocinar variado me sale caro - To cook varied dishes is too expensive
Otro (especifique) - Other, please specify
¿Con que problemas te encuentras a la hora de cocinar? - Which of these problems do you face when cooking?
Me faltan ideas/recetas para cocinar - I lack ideas/ recipes to cook
Cocino siempre lo mismo - I always cook the same things
Cocino casi siempre comida pre-cocinada - I frequently cook pre-cooked food
Otro (especifique) - Other, please specify
¿Cuando fue la última vez que comiste lo mismo que hoy? - When was the last time you ate the same as today?
Hace más de una semana - over a week ago
Hace una semana - a week ago
Hace menos de 2 días - less than 2 days ago
Hace entre 3-6 días - 3-6 days ago
¿Con que frecuencia vas al supermercado a comprar comida? - How frequently do you go to the supermarket to buy food?
Cada día - every day
1-2 días por semana - 1-2 days per week
3-4 días por semana - 3-4 days per week
5-6 días por semana - 5-6 days per week
Menos de 1 vez por semana - less than once per week
Otro (especifique) - other, please specify
¿Vas al supermercado con una lista? - Do you shop according to a shopping list?
Si - yes
No - no
¿Por que razón no usas herramientas como Internet, recetarios, aplicaciones para innovar en la cocina? - Why don't you use tools such as the Internet, cook books, apps to innovate in the kitchen?
No tengo tiempo - I don't have time
No entiendo bin las recetas - I don't really understand recipes
Nunca tengo los ingredientes que me piden - I never have all the ingredients they ask for
Otro (especifique) - Other, please specify
Answers until 04/11/2012
By: Eva Borisova
This is a good start and there are some good questions here, but what have you learned from the survey?
ReplyDeleteThe issue with a survey in general is that you provide the answers, when you maybe need a more open approach at this point. In question 3, for example, it's difficult to tell why people who don't like to cook at home. And for two key questions, 6 and 10, you're providing the answers for them (and in 10 a significant number chose "other"). I would suggest interviewing people who would like to cook more than they do now and exploring: why would they like to cook more often? how do they decide now what to cook for dinner? where do they get recipes from? Do they use the Internet or apps? If so, which ones, and what do they like/dislike about them? If not, why not?
Another interesting target customer you've identified is parents with kids. Personally I can tell you that I'm less concerned about what I eat for dinner than what my kids eat, and this could be a good motivation to cook healthier and more often.