Friday, November 30, 2012

Interview 5 analysis

The Interviews proceeded as follows:
We introduce the product to the surveyee. After evaluating the product we present the freemium model asking
 where is the break-even point between the free and premium app they would find as reasonable. Then various pricing options are presented oscillating between 0.90€ to 3.99€ (this time the interviewee was not presented with this price range but asked about their opinion, and what monthly price they would be willing to pay).
We will therefore present various models of advertising:
- Pop up advertising
- Fixed advertising between stages of recipe/pages
- Product placement

Semi-Structured Interview: Female, Spanish, 22 years old, student living with flat mates. Approximately 15  minutes of interview.

She liked the idea but unlike the previous interviewees accepted she wasn't sure it was for her. She said she was actually ok with eating similar things and she was sure she followed a healthy diet. Although she did say she would download the free version 'just in case'. She did not mind about advertising as long as it would 'let me do what I am doing and not interfere with my application and what I am doing with it, I don't like annoying advertisements' with no distinction between the forms of advertising but did note that the one she would least want to see is the fixed ad between stages of recipe/pages.
On the other hand when talking about the payment and explaining the freemium model and the premium version with its added characteristics she said 'I don't pay for any app, I don't think I'd pay for this one either and therefore I am not sure about any price I would put it but maybe something like 1€ wouldn't sound too expensive'


- Although this interviewee falls into one of our target profiles she was not open towards trying this app or using it on a daily basis because it seemed she had 'everything under control', this showed us that we should not be too sure upon the fact that all students living alone will have problems with cooking or knowing what to cook
- On the other hand we also saw the fact that especially out young target market are price sensitive and that based on the previous interviews and this one it is clear that users are very used in not paying for any application and therefore seem to expect the apps for free
- Up until now we still don't have a clear view on what kind of pricing to put to the application
- One clear conclusion from these 5 interviews is that fixed ads between stages/recipes are not the best option

By: Eva Borisova

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